You are probably wondering about how to find note holders and how much it cost to
market you business. At Charter Financial we teach you over 50 methods that you
may use to locate note holders.

You just select the method(s) that you want to use, then implement them. Some of
the more common methods that you can use are: direct mail, courthouse research,
online marketing, placing small classified ads, networking and establishing referrals
with professionals, purchasing leads, reverse marketing, pay per click advertising, etc.

One easy method that anyone can use that doesn’t cost anything is Online
Courthouse Research. Most courthouses now have their records available online and
we teach you how to find these notes plus we provide you with letters that you may
use to mail to these individuals.

So if you are able to devote time to researching the online courthouse records, you
can do really well with our business and your marketing cost would only be for letters
and stamps. Remember, you can research these records at your convenience.

Click on this video link to learn more about how to research court records –

To learn some more low cost marketing techniques, just watch this video.

Use Reverse marketing to find notes –

Talk to you soon,

Leland von Syring
Charter Financial